

Mokhlesur Rahman Mahin

Hello! I'm Mokhlesur Rahman Mahin, a seasoned professional with experience in backend development and DevOps practices. My expertise spans across various technologies including Golang, Python, Django, Odoo, Kubernetes, Docker, GCP, Helm, Terraform, Terraspace, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, GitHub Actions, and GitLab CI.

Professional Experience

Current Position:

Company: Welldev

Role: Software Engineer(DevOps/SRE).

Previous Positions:

Company: Pathao

Role: Software Engineer.

Company: Bista Solutions Inc

Role: Odoo Developer.

Company: Divine IT Limited

Role: Software Engineer.

Technologies I Work With:

Programming Languages: Golang, Python

Frameworks: Django, Odoo

Containers & Orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker, Helm

Cloud Platforms: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, Terraspace

Monitoring & Alerting: Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment: GitHub Actions, GitLab CI

Version Control: Git

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me through email at mokhlesurr031@gmail.com. Let’s connect and discuss how I can contribute to your projects and initiatives.